January 26, 2022
8:00AM - 4:00PM
"Mentorship, Quit Talking About It and Do It" is scheduled for January 26, 2022
The event to be held on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 will be held at the Drake Oak Brook Hotel.
Drake Oak Brook Hotel, 2301 York Road Oak Brook, IL 60523 (630) 571-0000
Please join us for this ECA Research and Education Committee program!
"Mentorship, Quit Talking About It and Do It"
Presented by Nic Bittle, Workforce Pro
2301 York Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523
(630) 571-0000
Program description:
Mentorship is one of those buzz words that gets thrown around a lot in our industry. The fact is we need mentors. We need mentors because our industry has an unimaginable amount of wisdom, knowledge and insights locked away inside the minds of our best and brightest. What is worse is many of those individuals will be leaving our industry in the next 14 years, but will this valuable information be leaving with them? The choice is yours. Many companies have rolled out a “mentorship program” only to see them fade and fizzle without any results. It doesn’t have to be this way. With a little structure, you can build a program for your organization that will give you the results you want and need.
Following this course, participants will be able to:
-- Identify why some programs work and others do not
-- Build a successful mentorship program for your organization that will stick
-- Identify the pitfalls that can sabotage your success
-- Leave with a road map you can take back to your company and immediately implement
Fee for the session is $100.00 per ECA member.

Nic Bittle
Workforce Pro
Nic Bittle is the founder of Work Force Pro and works with contractors that want to prepare and develop their workforce to lead with impact, act like a pro, and perform at their best on a daily basis. He does this in a variety of different ways. Through presentations and workshops, through tools that he has developed which are designed to support the learning process, and through a unique information delivery system called D.R.I.P. Information™. He is the architect of 2 performance improvement process curriculums, that use the D.R.I.P. Information™ process that are specifically designed to prepare and develop our current and next generation work force for the roles and responsibilities that lie ahead. Nic is author of four books, Small Business, BIG Mistakes, Perform Like the Boss! & Good Foreman; Bad Foreman & Know This, Do That.
Please click below to register soon as we need to reach the minimum number required to hold the session.
Please contact the ECA with any questions at (708) 531-0022. We look forward to your participation with the program! Thank you for your continued support of Association activities.